La Escocesa opens a call for Grants for artistic research and experimentation La Escocesa 2017.

La Escocesa opens a call for Grants for artistc research and experimentation La Escocesa 2017. Deadline september 25th 

1. Object

The object of the grants for artistic research and experimentation La Escocesa is to pro- mote individual or collective work in a research and experimentation project within the field of the visual arts that creates content, conceptualization, methodology, planning, training and collectivization strategies within an artistic specific plan or around the work or artistic trajectory of the applicant.

Research and experimental projects are those that do not emphasize the production of works, but rather force the creative process itself to generate, among others, dynamics of collective participation (workshops, participatory performances, actions or open projec- tions to the public, etc.), processes of conceptualization and generation of contents (con- ferences, conversations, publications, etc.) and experimental proposals of trial and error that are based on the process and not on the presentation of finished work.

Although they may start from a core of pre-existing work or an ongoing artistic trajecto- ry, proposals should emphasize a process that takes place over a given time and is based on an explicit methodology, a schedule of actions and an estimate budget that covers the expenses needed to develop the proposals.

There are two different modalities:

  1. a)  Grants for projects developed by resident artists from La Escocesa;

  2. b)  Grants for projects developed by external artists from La Escocesa.

2. Requirements

To be qualified for this grant, applicants must have a proven artistic background and re- side in the Barcelona area during the calendar given by the development of the project.

Applicants can submit a maximum of two projects, bearing in mind that only one of them can be selected.

In the cases of applicants who have previously received a scholarship from La Escocesa, they will not be able to receive an amount of more than 400 euros for the development of their project.

In the case of applicants who are artists from La Escocesa, they must be within their stat- utory obligations as associates of the Associació d’Idees EMA, in charge of the manage- ment of La Escocesa.

3. Procedure

The grant will be carried out under competitive competition, in accordance with the principles of objectivity, equality, non-discrimination and publicity, guaranteeing the transparency of the actions involved in the process.

4. Period and place of realisation

The granted projects must be carried out within a period of nine months from the mo- ment of the resolution of the grant. The schedule of actions submitted must be able to be developed during this period.

The actions contemplated in the calendar can be carried out in space of exhibition M of La Escocesa and in other spaces for community uses, although there is also the possibility of using spaces outside the centre or carrying out actions that do not require a physical place.

5. Budget

The budget must be adapted to the project and its needs, and should reflect the following items:

- Fees of the applicant artist, calculated on the basis of € 40 maintenance fee per day of dedication to the project, although the applicant can make a global estimation;

- Feesoftheexternalagentsinvolvedintheproject; - Projectproductioncostsandeventualpublications.

The budget should be calculated with a low cost logic, that is, opting for the most eco- nomical and sustainable options for the correct development of the project. Special con- sideration will be given to proposals that can be made with a limited budget, and in no case can the requested amount exceed € 1,500 (taxes included).

The funding of the grant will be subject to the evaluation of the adequacy of the budget to the project and to the budget of La Escocesa. In the cases that the jury decides to do so, it will be offered to the beneficiary a percentage of the amount requested and will be asked to readapt the project calendar to the needs.

6. Application and documentation

To apply for the grant, the applicants must send to La Escocesa the following documen- tation:
- Applicationform,inwhichitisincludedtheartisticresearchandexperimentationpro-

ject, the following methodology, a calendar proposal and an estimated budget;
- Dossierwhichincludesrecentwork(iftherearevideos,linksshouldbeincluded); - CurriculumvitaeiftheartistisnotfromLaEscocesa.

The budget should not only reflect the external costs necessary for the development of the project, but also the fees of the applicant artist. These will be calculated following the criterion of 40 euros of support per day of dedication to the project.

The documentation must be presented in pdf format, and sent electronically to convoca- under the subject "Research and Experimentation Grants 2017". The files in pdf must have in any case no more than 10 pages or more than 20 Mb. The names of the files must contain the name and surname of the artist requesting the schol- arship.

The deadline for submission of all required documentation will end on Monday, Sep- tember 25. All the requests received after the date indicated will not be taken.

7. Evaluation criteria

The evaluation of the applications will be made according to the following criteria:

  • -  Artisticinterestoftheproject:interestinthesubjectofresearchorartisticvalueofcrea- tion, significant contribution of content, interest of research methodology or experi-


  • -  Project development: correct planning of the methodology and coherence in the calen-

    dar; Adaptation of the budget to the methodological proposal and the schedule, as well as the low budget requirements of this call; Valuation of strategies for the creation of communities;

  • -  Solvencyoftheapplicant:applicant'scurriculumvitae.

8. Selection process

In order to carry out the selection of candidates, a jury will be constituted. The director of La Escocesa and three external experts appointed by the centre will form it.

The resolution will be communicated to the applicants during the month of October 2017, and will have a definitive and unappealable character.

Through the website of La Escocesa, the resolution of the scholarship and the names of the beneficiaries will be made public once they have accepted the scholarship by internal communication through electronic mail.

9. Duties

The beneficiaries of the grant must be in charge of the correct development of the actions proposed in the calendar and included in the project.

The beneficiaries will receive, in a payment schedule agreed with the director, the amount requested or a proportional amount if the jury decrees it, and will assume the commitment to ensure that the budget is adjusted to the project as it develops.

The beneficiaries undertake to periodically inform La Escocesa of the actions and the cor- rect development of the project, as well as any changes it may suffer. A schedule of fol- low-up of the applicant will be agreed with the address of La Escocesa, agreed according to the needs of each project.

La Escocesa will put its capacities to the needs of the beneficiaries for the correct devel- opment of the project, offering especially advice and continuous accompaniment in con- ceptualization, production and communication.

The beneficiaries agree to follow the rules of use of La Escocesa.

If for any reason the beneficiary should renounce the scholarship, it must be communi- cated to La Escocesa immediately. La Escocesa reserves the right to cover the vacancy in this case.

The beneficiaries undertake to include in the credits of all the public interventions and their communication and dissemination elements the status of fellows of La Escocesa.

At the end of the agreed schedule, the beneficiaries undertake to submit to La Escocesa, within a maximum period of three months from the day following the completion, a re-

port on the project. This report should contain the description of the phases carried out, the timetable and the methodology used, and the explanation of the results obtained. The document must have a minimum length of five pages and a maximum extension of ten.

10. Acceptance of the bases

The presentation of the application for the grant for artistic research and experimentation La Escocesa implies the acceptance of these bases by the applicant.

Additional information and questions: 


Member of:

Fàbricas de CreacióXarxaProd

With the support of:

Ajuntament de BarcelonaGeneralitat de Catalunya - Departament de Cultura

Menaged by:

Associació d'Idees EMA

In collaboration with:

08 Birra artesanaGRAF AgendaRAIMA